Control Summary

Key Commands

Key commands are used for controlling your ship and your view.

Left Arrow: Rotate Ship to the Left Right Arrow: Rotate Ship to the Right Up Arrow: Apply forward thrust. Down Arrow: Fire Gun
Home: Center view on your fighter End: Restore default magnification PgUp: Increase view magnification PgDn: Decrease view magnification
F: Fire Gun D: Fire Rocket/Missile Esc: Refreshes the window Pause: Pauses the game.
Ins: Maximum Zoom Out E: Zoom Out R: Zoom In S: Zoom 1:1
F1: Cycle through Blue fighters F2: Cycle through Red fighters F3: Cycle through Purple fighters F4: Cycle through Yellow fighters
Enter: Summon all friendly fighters Shift-F2: New Game Shift-F3: Load saved game Shift-F4: Save Game As
G: Summon all freindly fighters Ctrl-N: New Game Ctrl-O: Load saved game Ctrl-S: Save Game As

Mouse Commands

The mouse is used to select a ship or friendly structure. The display window will scroll automatically to keep the selected ship in view. When a friendly unit is selected, both the unit and its name on the ship list is highlighted white. The radar display shows the selected ship surrounded by a white box.

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